Friday, July 31, 2009

Yeah Colorado!!

Aaron and Chris enjoying a cold one on the side of the road (provided by a passer by)

Aaron with our new friends Kathleen and Mary lou from Seattle at the county fair

Look mom no hands again

Saz's favorite ride

Swine contest at county fair

Holy grasshopper

Monday, July 27, 2009

Welcome to Kansas

Kansas has brought many firsts for me and Saz. Saz had her first flat and it was my first time changing it. It was not that hard and took only a few minutes thanks to my quick lesson from the guys at the Bicycle Rack back in New Paltz. We also had our biggest day of 100 miles (107 but who's counting). That's what they call a century in cycling lingo. We decided we won't be doing too many more of those, especially if this heat keeps up. Speaking of the heat, Saz and I have been waking up at 4:30 am to make as many miles as possible before the sun gets too hot.

Hello All. Well as Aaron mentioned a lot has been happening. The detour was amazing!! We saw a sign saying detour 6 miles ahead, which we ignored because we have seen them in the past. It is usually some debris or something easy for a bike to navigate through. So you can imagine our surprise when we rode up to giant bulldozers and no more road. Aaron looked at me and said "well I guess we have to turn back", which would have meant going back the 6 miles we came and then taking a 9 mile detour (a total of 21 miles). Well folks in a car that would be no big deal but a bike no sir. Well i looked at Aaron and told him there is no way I am turning back so i walked up to one of the tractors, "excuse me sir, hmhmhm, excuse me sir" the man looked down at me "yes?"
"can we pass through here?"
"I don't see why not"
With that Aaron and I began pushing and dragging our bikes through mud surrounded by the largest machinery I have ever seen. In the end we made it a bit covered in mud but back on our route. Well off we go Pueblo in 5 days the official half way point. Good bye till then

Riding in the morning fog

Aaron changing our first flat

Where did the road go?
For Grandma

Early morning riding

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Saz and I are in western Missouri about 60 miles from the border of Kansas. The hills here just won't give up! Each rise of the terrain seems to reach halfway up to the clouds like a wall. There is a rewarding downhill just as steep on the other side, but all we can think about is the hill that was hiding behind the first, just as steep and just as tall. Where is Kansas?

Hello it is saz (Sarada) Amen Aaron said it these hills make me want to give up but Missouri is not gonna get the best of me. On the positive side the weather has been unreal. No humidity and ranging from 75 to 80 degrees which has been such a blessing. We also had our longest ride yesterday 88 miles!!! Once we hit Kansas we hope to be be doing 100 mile days Colorado here we come I cant wait!!! Sarika I got your request for more blog posts and we will do our best. I think about you all the time especially when it comes to the food you would be so grossed out Aaron and I have already decided that we are going on a juice fast as soon as we get home, if I never see another piece of fried food again it will be too soon. Hopefully it will improve, and thanks to our mom who sends us home made granola and jerky and other yummy things I think we will survive. Well off to our next destination. Bye for now


Current River

Look, no hands Mom!

Look, one hand Mom!

Missouri state line

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Illinois Today, Missouri Tomorrow

Saz and I have hit some major milestones these past few days. We crossed the 1000 mile mark in Hudson, KY, we crossed into the central time zone, entered a new state, and I turned 26. We have finally left the Appalachian Mountains, which Saz is very happy about, and have entered into a more rolling terrain through western Kentucky and southern Illinois. But no rest for the weary... tomorrow we enter Missouri and the Ozark Mountains. Today we decided to take a much needed zero day (no biking) to see a movie, eat some amazing BBQ, and just lay around watching the tube in a plush double bed. We miss you all and wish you could be out here with us enjoying the open road.

P.S. Seann, we looked for you but couldn't find you. We took a day off to heal some certain sores.

Saz and her thistle

Utter exaustion... Saz finds a pillow of mud to rest her weary head

We did it. 1000 miles!

Enter Illinois

Aaron celebrates 26 at the First Babtist Church

Monday, July 6, 2009

We Made it to Kentucky

Aaron being silly at the Home Place restaurant YUMMY

The Breaks Interstate Park

KY state line

Aaron saves a box turtle

We finally made it to KY and the mountains continue AHHHH. Today we biked 63 miles which is the longest day yet. We hope to pick up with our miles once the riding gets easier which it should in Berea KY. The scenery is absolutely gorgeous but at times we feel like we are in a foreign country it is sooo different here. One thing which has been a bit scary are all the dogs. Aaron had to hit one with his bike today...the dog went flying it was crazy. I actually feel very sad for the animals down here and have wanted to take a couple along with us. We have saved three turtles and one kitten which the park ranger said was probably thrown out a car window which he says is common. The poor baby had a broken foot and infected eye and was sooo hungry he ate a whole can of tuna. Anyways sorry to get depressing it is late and I am rambling. Tomorrow we are on our way to Booneville KY to another hostile and closer to IL. Well that is about it on this end. We will keep you all updated thanks for all the support. Love ya