Unfortunately, there is really no fun story to accompany these pictures other than the fact that I just fell full force on my face. Apparently I didn't even attempt to use my hands or arms to break my fall. This, of course, resulted in a swollen cheek and black eye which I have been sporting for the last week along with some other fun scratches scrapes and bruises. I hope you have a good laugh. Especially you, Saz. I learned how to fall because of you.

Directly after I fell I vomited blood. Internal bleeding is no fun.

Road rash on the face.

Mmmm. Pavement tastes good

boo boo on my knee

Notice the developing black eye and swollen cheek
i fell off the saddle today (slight road rash on my arms/hands), and i was feeling like i earned my cycling badge of honor. then you post these. that first pic is so gross. only you can take away my glory so effortlessly.
i've been zooming in and out on that first pic. it' just becoming grosser. that is the grossest shit ever. how are you alive after losing all that blood?